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How Can I Earn Rewards?


Sign up to receive 15% off your first purchase*.  

*Discounts are only for the guest signing up. Does not include Carousel Arcade, please see Carousel Arcade location page for arcade sign up rewards. 


Earn 1 point per visit when you check-in*

5 points:     
Redeem for $20 in credits to be used at one Insider location

10 points:   
Redeem for $40 in credits to be used at one Insider location

20 points:   
Redeem for $80 in credits to be used at one Insider location

25 points:   
Redeem for $100 in credits to be used at one Insider location

50 points: 
Redeem for $250 in credits to be used at one Insider location

*Check in is defined as $20 retail price minimum spend at a participating venue.

*Maximum 1 check-in per venue per day

*Discounts cannot be applied toward alcohol

*Golf check in requires one 9-hole round of golf at prevailing retail rate

*Points can roll over year to year through life of program 

*Points have no cash value

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